Once again it was so great to see you at our Tuesday night meeting!
Food Samples
We sampled these, both of which got a thumbs up review. I’m so glad you liked them
1) Easy pizza cups that turn into individually portioned mini pizzas and
2) Almond butter fat bombs.
Getting Back on Track
If you know you want to eat LCHF (low carb, high fat) but find yourself getting off track over and over, here’s an article that might be helpful: 99% is hard, 100% is easy. It is possible to get off the fence and into full commitment. Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Keep going.
The Last 90 Days
We’re fast approaching some big holidays, right? Halloween will be here before we know it, then we’ll be on to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday eating season. In Tuesday’s meeting, we took a few minutes to think about what goal we’d like to work towards over the next few months leading up to New Year’s.
What if you could celebrate the New Year already on your way to your goals? What if you weren’t starting over?!? What if we decide to finish the year strong? It’s a different kind of thinking. In the past, I always knew I’d gain over the last few months of the year. I didn’t want to gain, but I had no idea how to get through a holiday without eating all the traditional carbage.
Now I know, I don’t have to worry about fat pants even during Christmas. Yes, it takes a commitment, an effort. The easiest way I know to get there is to focus on what we can have rather than what we can’t. What can we have? Well, here’s what we had for this last New Year’s. I’ll be making all those again! And one of my favorite Carrie Brown cookbooks is her Holiday book, full of great holiday recipes. We can find hundreds of keto dishes that can be enjoyed over the holidays–and yes, there are even holiday cookies out there. Let’s focus on those, let’s make them and enjoy good food while we are healing our bodies. Let’s finish strong and enter the New Year way with even more to celebrate!
If you need extra help, don’t hesitate to get some information, inspiration, and support. You can find those through our local Unity meeting, Facebook groups, or through coaching. I’m looking forward to an email campaign from Rachel Hollis called #Last90DaysChallenge. I’ve also been reading her book Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be, which has had me laughing out loud as well as thinking about how I might challenge some of my self-limiting beliefs.
October Schedule
Please note that our Keto with Kynda & Mark schedule has changed for the month of October.
- On October 2nd, we’ll be at Sgt Pepper’s at 5:30 pm for supper. Sgt Pepper’s is one of our favorite local spots to eat where they serve breakfast all day and they don’t mind serving their burgers bunless
Come on over, we hope you’ll join us.
- No meeting on October 9th
- We will meet on October 23rd at 6:30 at Unity on our regular schedule.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Til next time,
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