New Year’s Recipes


We just went through our second keto Christmas and New Year’s holiday season and we didn’t miss a beat.  We don’t worry about missing out on foods because we eat so well!  Two memorable highlights of this season were the prime rib roast with brussel sprouts and the cheesecake.

The prime rib roast recipe came from a sweet keto friend.  I made it for New Year’s and it was ridiculously easy and turned out perfectly.  The brussel sprout recipe is from Cleveland Heath, a wonderful restaurant in Edwardsville.  Our keto friend Tom introduced us to that gem of a restaurant.  See, these keto peeps know good food!

And the cheesecake was  Harlan Kilstein’s Perfect Keto Cheesecake.  It turned out perfectly, just as the recipe promised.  However, I did not make the crust.  I’ve found that the crusts just don’t appeal to me lately, and we didn’t miss it at all.

The topping is  Carrie Brown’s Lemon Curd,which I absolutely love.  And then I cooked a few frozen blueberries down until soft and thickened and used those for a little garnish.  Fresh blueberries would have worked too, or the single strawberry as Harlan suggests.

We were really thankful and happy happy this holiday season.  We ate well, we weren’t deprived at all, we’re healthy.  Our New Year’s resolution is to continue to spread the good news about this low carb, high fat, keto way of eating.  We want everyone to experience how good life can be with real food and without diabetes, joint pain, or extra weight.

Happy Happy 2018 to you and yours.  And may the (healthy) fat be with you 🙂
