A whole year of keto living. I have to send out a huge thank you to Ketogenic Success. To Brian and Mary, to all the administrators, and to each and every one of the members who posted a before & after picture, a recipe, a question: thank you from the bottom of my heart. A year ago, I thought I would do this for a couple of months and maybe lose 20 pounds if I was lucky.
Somewhere over the course of the year, I started to realize this really was changing my life. I lost 71 pounds. I never in my wildest dreams thought that would be possible. Mark’s a1c is down to normal and we don’t worry about soaring blood sugars or the devastating consequences of uncontrolled diabetes. We eat good food that fills us up and makes us happy.
Yes, sometimes I miss sugar. I loved it. It was beautiful and fun and it made me forget my troubles in the moment. But then I had to deal with being 230+ pounds, clothes that didn’t fit, and feeling miserable about myself and my weight. So when those moments hit, I turn my mind and think about what good food I’m going to be eating today, I look at pictures of what I looked like then and what I look like now, I think about what size pants I’m wearing, and I remember that my joint pain is gone and don’t have to take pain medicine anymore.
And then the thought passes and I’m back to living life. I’m so happy and so grateful. Here at the end of this year of keto-living and into the new year 2017, I’m looking forward to helping spread the message that we don’t have to feel hopeless about being overweight and that there’s a better way that really works. Happy New Year!
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