I can’t emphasize enough how important researching this way of eating is. You need to know for yourself why you’re going to try this way of eating. Some people aren’t on board with keto. They’ll tell you it’s dangerous, that it’s not sustainable, that it’s not balanced. I don’t believe those things. But you will need to know for yourself whether you believe those things to be true or not. Once you learn how this way of eating works then you’ll be confident in your decision and what you’re doing.
There are millions of people around the globe, including physicians and healthcare professionals, who advocate this way of eating for healing and weight loss. Once you understand how our bodies process sugar and processed carbs, you’ll understand that it’s not our fault that we haven’t been able to lose weight on the standard dietary advice we’ve been given since the 70s.
There are hundreds (if not more!) resources out there. I’ve found the following to be most helpful to me:
- Join the facebook group Ketogenic Success. You want to succeed? Hang out with people who are doing what you want to do. These folks, led by Brian Williamson, have made a commitment to living keto and they can show you how. There are many facebook support groups for low carb. If you are going with a more moderate 50 carb per day plan, I can recommend some other groups if you need suggestions.
- R
ead Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr Westman. It’s my favorite book to recommend for getting started. It’s easy to read and lays out the big picture of keto. (I am not an affiliate Amazon dealer so I don’t receive compensation for recommending books.)
- Ketovangelist.com This is the parent site of the Ketogenic Success facebook group. Ask them to send you their free food guide to get help you get started. While you’re there, check out the rest of the site. If you like to listen to podcasts while you’re driving in the car, you’ll find close to a hundred excellent conversations with keto experts. And every article on the blog is worth reading.
- Dietdoctor.com. The largest low carb website out there. There is a lot of general low carb info here as well as keto. Run by a physician in Sweden, you’ll find interviews with doctors, healthcare professionals, and scientists around the globe. There are also numerous full feature length movies that give the real scoop on sugar and carbohydrates in an entertaining way. Sweden has adopted low-carb high-fat as the official way of eating for their country!
Dietdoctor.com includes a two week get-started menu plan with informational videos too. The site is free for the first 30 days. Absorb all you can that first month, then decide for yourself if you want to buy monthly access for $9. (And I don’t receive compensation from dietdoctor either.)
- Another great book with more in-depth scientific explanation is The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An expert guide to making the life-saving benefits of carbohydrate restriction sustainable. Jeff S Volek, PhD,RD & Stephen D Phinney, MD, PhD.
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