There's a lot to learn about this way of eating and it's easy to get information overload. Caution: Don't try to watch/read everything on this list in one day. Pick something of interest to you and start there at your own pace. Just start learning and know that you will find your answers as you go along. And don't hesitate to send me a message if you have questions.
What was the one resource that helped me get started & continues to help me stay on track? Ketovangelist.com where they cover all things keto. Every article is worth reading and if you're into podcasts, they have about a hundred interviews with keto experts.
The Ketovangelist facebook groups are a great resource for information to help you learn more about keto and low carb/high fat eating. Ketogenic Success has 205,000+ members (be sure to find the one that has over 200,000 members--there are knock off groups out there) and you'll find post after post of before & after inspirational pictures and answers to every keto question that has ever been asked. Their sister group, Ketovangelist Kitchen, is a group that focuses on food, recipes, and menu ideas. And if you're an athlete, or have dreams of becoming an athlete, join their The Ketogenic Athlete group for support there too.
And you can find us at Keto With Kynda & Mark on facebook too.
Do you or someone you love have diabetes? This is my top video pick for you:Sarah Hallberg, MD: Reversing Diabetes Starts with Ignoring the Guidelines. Dr. Hallberg practices at Indiana University and this video is the one that convinced Mark and I that we were on the right track.
Would you like a book to get a good overview of the keto way of eating? This is my #1 book recommendation:Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Eric Westman, MD. Jimmy Moore tells his story of how he lost 200 pounds with keto and includes scientific explanations from the experts in this readable, easy to understand guidebook.
Would you like a one-stop learning spot for all things low carb? This is the largest low carb website in the world:Dietdoctor.com is run by a physician in Sweden. Here you’ll find interviews with doctors and scientists around the globe with information about liberal, moderate, and strict low carb/keto eating. Includes full feature length movies like Fathead, Cereal Killers, and My Big Fat Diet that give the real scoop on sugar and carbohydrates in an entertaining way.
Dietdoctor is free for the first month you sign up and it's $9 a month thereafter. I do subscribe and think it's well worth it. They add new content every week so there's always something new. Ad-free which is a plus too.
Do you have questions about cholesterol?If you want an easy to understand overview on cholesterol with Dr Ken Berry, check out his 11 minute video entitled Keto Increased My Cholesterol and Why It's Okay. Dr Berry is author of another good book Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths that Harm Your Health. Dr Nadir Ali, a Houston low-carb cardiologist is a popular speaker on the keto circuit, and we've had the opportunity to hear him speak several times. If we lived closer, I'd want him for my doctor! You can hear one of his talks here. And we're all fascinated by the deep-dive work of Dave Feldman, an engineer at The Cholesterol Code.
Are you looking for more recipes and menu ideas? Ketovangelistkitchen.com is a great site featuring recipes and keto info. And be sure to join their facebook page the Ketovangelist Kitchen. And of course there's always pinterest. Search for low carb pizza, low carb casseroles, low carb pot roast, low carb pie, etc. You will find a low carb version for most any food you want. Look for simple to follow recipes with simple ingredients. Those are usually the best. I've had my share of fails with low carb recipes. Baking with almond and coconut flour is an art and the learning curve can be frustrating. You can find my favorite recipes posted on the blog here.
Also highly recommended: The Magic Pill, a documentary available through Netflix or Amazon. Here's the introductory blurb: "What if most of our modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem? The Magic Pill follows doctors, patients, scientists, chefs, farmers and journalists from around the globe who are combating illness through a paradigm shift in eating. And this simple change - embracing fat as our main fuel - is showing profound promise in improving the health of people, animals and the planet." Set up a movie night with your friends and loved ones to watch this one :)
To track or not to track?Some people can lose weight and reach their wellness goals without tracking. If that's you, then great! But for many of us, we need to keep track so that we know how many carbs we're eating. This is especially true at first. Once you've learned the carb content in foods, you may be able to keep track in your head rather than using a tracking app.
I've been doing this for more than two years and I still use myfitnesspal on my phone and on my computer at home. The free version works fine. There are other trackers too such as fatsecret or carb manager.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to email me at kyndac@comcast.net or message thru the facebook page. I'm happy to help.
Disclosure: I am not an affiliate of any of the above sites and do not receive any compensation from them.
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